Guillaume T. Vallet
Guillaume T. Vallet
Comparaison des performances à l'épreuve des 15 mots de Rey et au RL/RI 16 dans le vieillissement normal et la démence de type Alzheimer
Résumé. L’objectif de cette étude est de comparer la performance de personnes âgées sans trouble cognitif (n = 40) et de patients atteints de démence de type Alzheimer (DTA, n = 40) à l’épreuve de rappel libre/rappel indicé à 16 items (RL/RI 16) et au test des 15 mots de Rey (RAVLT).
Drolet V
Vallet GT
Imbeault H
Lecomte S
Limoges F
Joubert S
Rouleau I
The disconnection syndrome in the Alzheimer's disease: The cross-modal priming example
Implicit memory is generally supposed to be preserved in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Yet, some implicit priming effects are impaired and others are not. The preserved/impaired priming effects are often interpreted according to the perceptual/conceptual or identification/production distinctions.
Vallet GT
Hudon C
Simard M
Versace, R.
The perceptual nature of audiovisual interactions for semantic knowledge in young and elderly adults
Audiovisual interactions for familiar objects are at the core of perception. The nature of these interactions de- pends on the amodal – sensory abstracted – or modal – sensory-dependent – approach of knowledge.
Vallet GT
Simard M
Versace, R.
Mazza S
When seing a dog activates the bark: Multisensory generalization and distinctiveness effects
The goal of the present study was to find evidence for a multisensory generalization effect (i.e., generalization from one sensory modality to another sensory modality). The authors used an innovative paradigm (adapted from Brunel, Labeye, Lesourd, & Versace, 2009) involving three phases: a learning phase, consisting in the categorization of geometrical shapes, which manipulated the rules of association between shapes and a sound feature, and two test phases.
Brunel L
Goldstone R
Vallet GT
Riou B
Versace, R.
Préparation à réagir et vieillissement : synthèse et nouvelles perspectives de recherche dans l’étude des effets préparatoires
Reacting quickly is a crucial ability for survival in many situations. Results in research on forperiod effects show that this ability could be reduced in older people. In these experiments, participants must react as quickly as possible to a presented stimulus.
Vallet GT
Fortin C
Simard M
L'altération des connaissances sémantiques est-elle liée à une altération du traitement perceptif ? Étude des atteintes catégories-spécifiques dans la démence sémantique
Résumé. Une question fondamentale concernant l’étude des connaissances en mémoire est de savoir si elles relèvent de différentes natures de connaissances ou si toutes les connaissances sont basées sur des traces sensori-motrices.
Vallet GT
Simard M
Fortin C
Versace, R.
Mazza S
Sensory-dependent knowledge in young and elderly adults: Arguments from the cross-modal priming effect.
The nature of knowledge, i.e. sensory-dependent or abstract, is controversial. Growing evidence supports the existence of sensory-dependent knowledge in young individuals, but this question remains unexplored in elderly individu- als. Thus the first objective of this study was to assess sensory-dependent knowledge in normal aging using a cross-modal priming paradigm.
Vallet GT
Simard M
Versace, R.
The Perceptual nature of the cross-modal priming effect: Arguments in favor of a sensory-based conception of memory
The aim of this study was to demonstrate that the cross-modal priming effect is perceptual and therefore consistent with the idea that knowledge is modality dependent. We used a two-way cross-modal priming paradigm in two experiments.
Vallet GT
Brunel L
Versace, R.