Embodied cognition of aging: The sensorimotor and social contribution to cognition

sept. 1, 2022 14:00 — 15:30
Lille, France
Grand Palais, 1 Boulevard des Cités Unies
59777 Lille


Chaired by G Vallet / S Ramonoël

Embodied and situated cognition sets sensorimotor processing at the core of cognition (embodied) and states a dynamic emergence of cognition according to the current context (situated). As a consequence, any sensorimotor change should have a direct repercussion on cognitive processing, making of aging a particularly relevant population to consider. Indeed, healthy aging is associated with both sensorimotor and cognitive alterations. Aging is also marked by social and contextual transition highlighting how the social context (representations, retirement) may also contribute to cognition. This symposium will explore how social and sensorimotor changes occurring in aging may contribute to the cognitive functioning of older adults, including memory, spatial navigation and cognitive reserve. The presentations will feature new behavioral and neuroimaging data as well as more theoretical considerations that open new research perspectives and clinical intervention avenues.

Keywords: embodied cognition, aging, perception, spatial cognition, social representations

Topics: Perception, Memory, Higher cognitive functions, Social Cognition, Spatial Cognition

Speakers (alphabetic order):

  • Laurie BOREL, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, NeuroAge, Canada (QC).
  • Denis BROUILLET, Université Montpellier 3, EPSYLON, Montpellier, France.
  • Esther KUEHN, University of Magdeburg, Microstructural Imaging, Aging & Embodiment, Magdeburg, Germany.
  • Jordan MILLE, Université Clermont Auvergne, LAPSCO
  • Stephen RAMANOEL, Université Côte d’Azur, LAMHESS, Nice, France.